Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Bonus Merchant Refferal Dari Paypal Dihentikan

Berita terbaru untuk para pencari dollar lewat paypal, mereka (pihak paypal)  menonaktifkan Bonus Refferal dari peemegang account paypal. Akan tetapi jangan takut apabila uang dollar di rekening paypal anda banyak, itu tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap account dan isi paypal tersebut.

Berikut anatologi informasi dari pihak paypal yang saya kutip dari email :

"Thank you for your participation in PayPal’s Merchant Referral Bonus Program. The program will be discontinued on August 15, 2012.

Effective on August 15, 2012:

• New referrals will no longer be tracked
• Bonus accrual payments will be stopped

Your PayPal account will not in any way be impacted by the discontinuation of this program.

Any final accrued bonus balance from your referrals through August 15, 2012 will be paid to your PayPal account in accordance with the standard 30 day payout cycle.

All links you have created will still work and will redirect to a PayPal sign up page. However, referrals will not be tracked or accumulate toward this bonus program.

For further assistance, please go to our website and click the “Contact Us” link at the bottom of any PayPal page.



Moga bermanfaat bagi teman-teman semua... Salam, salam.

..:coment here:..
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