Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Four Tips to Maximizing Your Adsense Earnings

One of the easiest way to make money as a blogger is thru Google Adsense. The reason been that, you need not do any difficult work, all you have to do is place generated Adsense Code into your website or blog and start making your money. Sound easy right? Yeah, it is easy.

If you really wants to make it big with the Google Adsense program, it is necessary to do some essential ‘tuching’ to your blog, apart from traffic, of course. And today, I will, as usual, be writing base on my experience with Google Adsense.
I have found these 4 tips to be useful since I have implemented them on my blogs and I noticed an increase in my earnings. Here I will be discussing these 4 tips:

Tip #1: Color
As writing is important to your blog’s success, so is ad color to your adsense success. Make your ad color blend well with the look of your blog. Make your ad background color match your blog’s background color, your post title color should match your ad title color, let the ad link blend well to make it faint (but it must be visible as well), and lastly, remove the ad border. Removing the ad border will make it look as if the ads is part of your blog content, so visitors tend to click on them.

Tip #2: Ad Placement
The best ad placement I have seen, read and implemented is at the top of your page. The logic is, place your ad where eyes will see them immediately your site is coming up. You might want to insert a Leaderboard Ad size under your blog header, before your contents. A vertical ad (skyscrapper size) can be placed in your sidebar, either left or right. Note that ads placed on the left sidebar of your page always has the best click through rate. So remember, on the top of your page (under header) and on the sidebar (if possible left side). And the last can be inside your post content, either below the post title or below the post content.

Tip #3: Testing
Testing is very important when considering your CTR (Click Through Rate). It is necessary to always test new ad colors, placements and layouts. You might want to change the color and placement of your ads frequently to achieve a higher and better CTR.

Tip #4 Use AdSense Ready Themes
Although Google may not like MFA (Made for Adsense) sites but you do not have to make it look like that. If you want to become successful with Google Adsense, you can make use of the various Adsense ready WordPress themes available on the Internet. The point of using these themes is, they are easy to insert Adsense codes into your blog, using various positions and hence, increasing your CTR.
Some bloggers might see it deem fit to come contrary to these tips. I won’t disagree because adsense is all about testing. What works for me might not work well for you. These four tips I have listed above are only what I have experimented and seems to work well for me. If you have any other tips that has worked for you, let us know in the comment form below. Did you like this tips, share with your friends.

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