I started blogging as a hobby and I didn’t imagine that I will get a
huge traffic within three months of blogging. Lot of visitors ask
questions to me about, how I am getting huge traffic to my blog. So I
thought that I must mention all those steps through which I get more
visitors. I know that these steps are not new but we forget every time
that these are the only steps by which we can get huge traffic. I will
start with a simple question.
Is your blog a successful blog?
If your answer is “Yes” then definitely you would be following
various steps which makes your blog a successful blog. But if your
answer is “No” then you must follow these steps to make your blog a
successful blog.
1. Work on increasing Traffic
To make your blog a successful blog you must get huge traffic. Websites get traffic from
- Search engines (Work on SEO)
- Social networking sites (Work on Social Networking)
- Direct traffic (Do publicity of your blog)
- Traffic from other blogs (Do blog commenting)
- Traffic from directories (Do directory submission)
2. Work on SEO
You may use various SEO plugins
to optimize your blog so that your blog must come in top of search
engine results. But before using those plugins, collect information
about how to use them. If you can spend money to bring your blog on top
of search engine results then you may take services from SEO firms who will work on your keywords.
3. Post new information
If your blog will contain old content then you will get less
visitors. If you will publish new articles at regular interval of time
then your visitors will find new content to read and you will get more
4. Use premium theme
After using Genesis theme,
I noticed a great increase in visitors count on my blog. Because search
engine love uniqueness in your blog and if you will use premium theme then you are above those thousands of bloggers who are using common free themes. You may opt following premium themes
5. Promote your blog
For promoting your blog you can
- Do advertisement of your blog using Adwords
- Send requests to your friends
- Use twitter
- Use Facebook
Now read all above points and think about the steps you are following
on your blog. If your steps’ count is more than above steps which I
mentioned, then you are going in the right direction to make your blog a
successful blog, but the only thing you need is patience.
Link: http://www.shoutmeloud.com
..:coment here:..
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