Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Four Simple Tips To A Successful Blog Marketing

So you have just created a new blog and need to market it and make it successful? Do not trouble, you are not alone. This days, creating a blog is not the issue, but making it successful is what matters. But how do you go about getting your blog out there to be seen and known by others? How do you draw readers and keep them coming back for more? Actually there are various way of marketing your blog out there but I will be discussing on a few tips coming to my mind right now.
Tip #1: Using RSS Technology
When you first create a blog, of course it is unheard of. No one knows anything about the blog unless you give them the link and show it to them. However, for a new blog to get seen and known, you can allow RSS feeds be taken from your blog. Allow other websites and blogs to publish your same exact blog. Synchronize your blog contents to various social networking sites. When you do this, they are giving you a link back to your blog, and also telling their readers all about your blog. You will get more traffic than ever with this tool. RSS feeds are wonderful for promoting and getting your blog out there.
Tip #2: Update Your Blog Frequently
Enough emphasis can’t be put on this. In fact, content is the soul of a blog. And not just any contents, but unique, quality, keyword-rich contents. If you tell your readers that you are going to update your blog daily, then do it. If you tell them that you will be writing in your blog weekly, don’t let them down. Your readers are what makes your blog successful. You may not realize this in the beginning, and you will have few readers in the beginning as well, but you will eventually build a readership base and have people checking out your blog regularly. Maybe you do not plan on telling your readers how often you will update your blog. That is ok too. However, think about this, if you were reading a blog on a weekly basis, and you expected to see the blog that you like to read updated at least once a week, you would be very disappointed to find out that it was not. Sure, things happen that might prevent you from updating, and that is expected, and excused, but week after week can hurt you and cause you to lose your readers.

Tip #3: Commenting on Related Blogs
While you are working on your readership base, and trying to gain readers, you are going to find that commenting on blogs that are relevant to yours will surely help. Find a blog that is on the same topic to yours, or close to it and leave comments. You will gain traffic and readers that way, and it is easy as well as free.
Tip #4: Search Engine Optimization
SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization. You are going to find that if you want your blog to go anywhere, you need SEO, and you need to know how to use it to the advantage of your blog. Learn and apply it to your blogs and you will see that your blog will be going places.
Final Words
Although I have just shared with your 4 simple tips to market your blog and make it successful but it does not ends there. This is just like a summary, you need to learn more and apply what you have learnt especially on SEO and also Link Building. Did you like this post? Then share it with your frinds. Also, you can contribute using the comment form below.

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