Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Four Producing Money with Blog

Having a blog is not only an interesting and fun pastime, it can also be a way to make some extra money. Top bloggers even earn a living. It requires a lot of effort and stellar content to make money from your blog, but there are ways to increase your earning potential. Once you have a blog that people want to read, there are four main ways to boost your blog’s revenue :

Google’s AdSense is by far one of the preferred methods of generating income for successful bloggers. AdSense is a program puts advertisements on your blog based on what you write about. If you write about online education, AdSense might place ads for online courses on your blog. The ads will be in the margin of the page and will relate to the topic. Every time someone who is reading your blog clicks on an ad, you get paid. There are also other programs that do the same, such as Chitika. AdSense is very easy to run and a must-have for any blog.

Affiliate Product Sales
Another great way to make money through your blog is referring customers. For example, Amazon’s affiliate program will give you 15% of purchases made by customers who clicked through from your site. If a reader of your blog is interested in a product you link to, and they buy it, you will receive a percentage. FlexOffers, Shareasale, and LinkConnector are others to try. These programs are easy to use and will do most of the work for you in connecting your readers with products they might be interested in.

Direct Ad Sales
You can also sell space on your web site directly to a company. This will often be a banner, button or box on your web site advertising the company’s product or service. The company is paying for their ad to be shown to all your readers. In order to get direct ads, your readers will have to be the type of customers a company is hoping to attract. You will also have to have a significant readership, because a company will not pay for space that no one is looking at. What qualifies as significant readership can vary drastically, and it will directly affect how much you can charge for a direct ad.

Spin-Off Revenue
Once you have a successful blog, you can capitalize in other ways. Consider writing an e-book that you can then market and sell to your readers. You could also hold a seminar, or be a guest speaker. You could write magazine or newspaper articles. Anything that expands on the success of your blog is a potential money maker. Offer your readers more.
In order for these techniques to work, don’t forget to boost your blog’s readership whenever possible. List your blog on as many directories as you can, such as Yahoo and Blogged. Also, commenting on other blogs that have a similar topic as yours is a good way to inform interested readers about your blog.

..:coment here:..
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