Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Tips Jitu Mengikuti Tournament Go Fishing

Teman-teman yang suka bermain Go Fihing pastinya mau tau bagaimana tips untuk memenangkan Tournament yang diikuti bukan?

Berikut Tips, Umpan dan Peralatan yang harus di gunakan dalam setiap Tournament Go Fishing :


- Sebarkan BREADCRHUMBS 2jam Sebelum mulai tournament, max 4
- Joran 5kg
- Gunakan Hook (3kg) - Line (4kg)
- Umpan, Roti / Jagung
- Luck Potion ( Kalo ada )
- Landing Net ( 5kg - Hemat Energi )
- FISH SCRAPS ( kalo ada )

- Sebarkan CHOPPED WORMS / FISH SCRAPS ( kalo ada )
- Gunakan Hook minimal : (30kg) - Line (30kg)
- Umpan, Salmon Boilies / Clams
- Luck Potion ( Kalo ada )
- Joran Disesuaikan Dengan Hook / Line

- Gunakan Hook minimal : (70kg) - Line (70kg)
- Sebarkan SHRIMP PIECES ( Kalo ada )
- Umpan, Minnows / Small Fish
- Luck Potion ( Kalo ada )
- Joran Disesuaikan Dengan Hook / Line
- Gunakan FISH FINDER ( untuk menyaring ikan besar / kecil )

- Gunakan Hook (100kg) - Line (100kg)
- Umpan, Catfish Boilies
- Luck Potion ( Kalo ada )

- Gunakan Hook (70kg) - Line (70kg) atau Lebih
- Umpan, Frogs
- Luck Potion ( Kalo ada )

NB: Kalo pake FISH FINDER, Jangan Usir 3 Ikan yang Terlihat Di FISH FINDER, Setelah itu 70% Kemungkinan Akan Muncul Ikan Besar. Kalo Bukan Ikan UNIQUE / TROPHY Lebih Baik Di RELEASE.
SeLamat Mencoba !!
Untuk umpan yang akan digunakan adalah :

- Atlantic Sturgeon – Urquhart Castle, Greenland, Nessie Bank – Minnows, Smelts, Small Fish, Worms

‎- Atlantic salmon – Nessie Bank – Smelts

- Amur Sturgeon – Wild Coast, Holy Water, Greenland – Dragon Flies, Minnows, Smelts, Larvae, Worms, Small Fish

- Arctic Char– Lonely Tree, Wild Coast , Quiet Corner, Nessie Bank, Deep Water – Salmon Eggs, Smelts, Cut Bait, Small Fish

- Big Head Carp – Wild Coast, Holy Water, Greenland – Dragonflies, Tadpole, Midges

- Baby Monster Fish - (Smal gear) - Bass Bollies, Cut Bait

- Barbel (NEW) - Deep Water, Nessie Bank – Larvae, Dragonflies, bread

- Big Head Carp – Wild Coast, Holy Water, Greenland – Dragonflies, Tadpole, Midges

- Bream – Wild Coast, Greenland – Frogs, Corn

- Brown Trout - Silent Trees, Nessie Bank, Urquhart Castle, Deep Water – Frog, Minnows, Carp Boilies, Dragonflies, Worms, Corn, Small Fish

- Bullhead - Silent Trees - Minnows

- Catfish – Wild Coast, Lonely Tree, Greenland, Deep Water – Dragonflies, Smelts, Small Fish, Deep Water - trophy-unique/worms/

- Channal Catfish (NEW) - Holy Water, Green Land, Deep water - Cut Bait, Worms, Smelts

- Chinook Salmon – Quiet Corner, Wild Coast, Lonely Tree, Cold Spot, Holy Water – Salmon Boilies, Small Fish, Cut Bait, Smelts, Clams

- Chum Salmon – Wild Coast, Quiet Corner, Cold Spot - Small fish, Salmon Boilies, Smelts

- Cobia - Shipwrecks, Shallow waters - Small fish

- Chub (NEW) - Deep Water- Fruit Flies, Dragonflies,

- Coho Salmon – Wild Coast, Silent Trees, Greenland, Lonely Tree, Cold Spot – Craw fish, Salmon Boilies, Salmon Eggs, Smelts, Scuds

- Common Carp – Nessie Bank – Bread, Worms, Corn

- Crucian Carp (NEW) - Deep Water - Fruit flies.

- Dace - Uruhart Castle - Worms, Corn

- Dolly Varden Trout – Lonely Tree – Salmon Eggs

- Eel (NEW) - Wild Coast, Deep water - Worm, Dragonflies,

- European Perch – Nessie Bank, Deep Water, Uruhart Castle – Carp Boilies, Small Fish, Larvae

- Ferox Trout – Urquhart Castle, Nessie Bank, Deep waters – Minnows, Worms, Cut Bait.

- Grass Carp – Wild Coast, Green Land – Dragonflies, Frogs, Corn, Worms

- Grayling – Lonely Tree, Wild Coast, Cold Spot – Worms, Larvae, Dragonflies

- Jack Crevale - Shallow waters - Small fish

- Kaluga - Wild Coast, Green Land, Holy Water - Cut Bait

- Largemouth – Silent Trees, Open Water – Craw fish, Frogs, Pet Food, Worms, Bass Bollies

- Lake Sturgeon- Silent Trees, Open Water, Lighthouse - Worms, Minnows, Clams

- Lake Trout – Silent Trees, Lighthouse – Frog, Cut Bait, Minnows, Frogs

- Legendary fish at Kenai river - Unique old catfish (Hook and line 100+) - Lonely tree - Catfish Bollies, Cut Bait

- Lenok – Wild Coast,Holy Water, Lonely Tree, – Salmon Boiliess, Salmon Eggs, Dragonflies

- Lingcod – Quiet Corner, Lonely Tree, Wild Coast, Cold Spot – Minnows, Smelts, Small Fish, Fruit Flies, Midges, Tadpoles, Dragon Flies,

- Northern Pike – Silent Trees, Lonely Tree, Urquhart Castle, Nessie Bank, Still Water, Holly Water, Wild Coast, Open water – Crawfish, Frogs, Dragon Flies, Carp Boilies, Minnows, Fruit Flies, Midges

- Pan fish - Silent Trees – Frog

- Pink Salmon – Lonely Tree, Cold Spot – Minnows, Smelts

- Rainbow Trout – Silent Trees, Lonely Tree, Cold Spot, Uruhart Castle - Salmon eggs, Frog, Corn, Cut Bait

- Red Snapper - Deep Sea - cut bait

- Roach – Silent Trees – Pet food, Bread

- Rudd – Nessie Bank – Bread, Uruhart Castle - Corn

- Ruff (NEW) -

- Siberian Salmon – Wild Coast, Cold Spot –Salmon Boilies, Smelts

- Small mouth – Silent Trees – Crawfish, Frogs, Pet Food; Open Water - Worms, Pet Food

- Steel Head – Quiet Corner, Lonely Tree, Wild Coast, Cold Spot, Open Water – Corn, Smelts, Salmon Eggs, Fruit Flies, Crawfish

- Sockey Salmon - Green Land, Cold Spot - Dragonflies, Salmon Boilies, Smelts

- Tarpon- Shallow waters - Small fish,

- Tench (NEW) - Wild Coast - Worms

- Three-spined Stickleback - Nessie Bank - Larvae

- Trophy Monster Fish - Lock Ness, lost Islet - Small Fish - 30 kg rod, 20kg line, 20kg hook

- Wahoo - Reefs, Shipwrecks - Cut bait

- Walleye – Silent Trees – Frog, Minnow

- White Fish – Silent Trees – Frog, Pet Food, Larvae

- Yellow Cheek – Wild Coast, Greenland, Holy Water – Dragonflies, Frogs, Corn, Midges, Cut Bait

- Yellow Perch – Silent Trees, Still Water– Frog, Minnow, larve. Open Water - Worms, Bass Boilies


- Amber jacks- Shallow waters, Reefs, Shipwrecks - Small fish, Cut bait , Dragon Flies, Frogs, Tadpoles, Fruit flies

- Barracudas - Shallow waters, Reefs, Deep sea - Small fish, Cut bait, Smelts, Tadpoles

- Black Grouper - Shallow waters, Shipwrecks - Scuds, Cut bait, Smelts, Shrimps, Tadpoles, Frogs, Worms, Small fish

- Bull Shark -Shipwrecks, Deep sea - Cut bait, Small Fish

- Cobia - Shipwrecks, Shallow waters, Reefs, Deep sea - Small fish,frogs Cut bait, Fruit Flies, Crawfish, Tadpoles, Midgets

- Dolphin Fish - Deep Sea, Ship Wreck - Cut bait

- Jack Crevale - Shallow waters, Reefs - Small fish, Scuds, Cut bait, Clams, Shrimps

- King Mackerel - Shallow waters, Reefs - Small fish, Cut bait, Scuds , Fruit flies, Clams, Midgets, Tadpoles, Frogs, Worms, Larvae

- Lemon shark - Shallow waters, Reefs, Deep Sea, Shipwrecks-Minnows, Small fish, Cut bait , Clams, Tadpoles

- Permit - Shallow waters, Shipwrecks - Small fish, Scuds, Shrimps, Cut bait, Crawfish

- Red Snapper - Deep Sea -Salmon Eggs, Larvae

- Tarpon- Shallow waters - Small fish, Cut bait, Shrimps, Scuds

- Tiger Shark - Shipwrecks- Cut bait, Clams

- Wahoo- Reefs, Deep sea, Shipwrecks - Larvae, Cut Bait, Fruit flies, Crawfish, Tadpoles, Midgets

- White Marlin - Reefs , Deep sea, Shipwrecks - Cut Bait , Clams, Small fish, Crawfis

Lake Victoria

- Nile Tilapia - The Source of Nile - 15kg rod, 10kg line, 5kg hook - Corn, Fruit flies, Midges

- Redbelly Tilapia - The Source of Nile - 15kg rod, 10kg line, 5kg hook - Midges

- African Longfile Een - The source of Nile - Fruit files

- Clarias - The Source of Nile - Fruit flies, Cut bait

- Cornish Jack - Silent Beach, Rocky Water - Minnows, Sml fish

- Nile Perch - Silent Beach - Minnows, Smelts, cut bait

- Semutundu - Silent Beach - Small fish

- Bayad - Rocky Water - Small fish

- Electric Catfish - Rocky Water - Small fish

- Catfish - Silent Beach, Rocky Water - Small fish

- Deep Water Catfish - Rocky Water, Rubondo - Smelts

- H.Pyrrhocephalus - Source of the Nile - 15kg rod, 10kg line, 3kg hook - Clams, Midges
Mudah-mudahan Berguna untuk para pemain Game Go fishing. Salam....

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