Important: If you like MS Windows and MS Office please buy legal and original
this program help to test this products, but recommend you buy legal.
I did this for fun, and now I am done with this.
Working in W8 and Office 2013 fresh install and VOLUMEN LICENSE editions.
Ja mata ne, Farewell, Hejdå, Ciao, Aloha, Zegnaj, Doei
KMSpico v5.2.1 Service Edition
- Requirements: .NET 4.0 or Windows 8/2012.
- Activate: Windows Vista/7/8
Office 2010/2013
Windows Server 2008/2008R2/2012
0. Disable SmartScreen.
1. Run Install_Service.cmd
2. Done.
Based off of KMSEmulator of deagles and Hotbird64.
Thanks to Hotbird64, deagles, mikmik38, qad, CODYQX4, xinso. All the credits for they.
Thanks MyDigitalLife.info
Thanks hui.
Change Log:
- Add AutoPico that use Hotbird64 dll (embedded).
- Improved service.
- Note:
This service only activate VL editions, for Retail use the KMSpico v5.2.1 Install Edition or v4.5.
Recommendations Optional:
- Disable Microsoft Security Updates.
- Make exceptions to Directory %ProgramFiles%KMSpico in Antivirus.
How This Program Works:
1. Install Service KMSELDI
1.1. Every windows start the service reactivate for 180 days (reset the count) with a random kms emulator.
1.2. Close emulator.
2. Service KMSELDI = "permanent".
Download KMSpico v5.2.1.rar (2.351 KB)
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