Senin, 04 Maret 2013

KMSpico v4.1 Final

KMSpico v4.1 Final

KMSpico v4.1 Finall

KMSpico v4.1 is the ideal tool to activate the final version of Windows 7/8 and Office 2010/2013. Activator does not require user intervention, the activation process is performed in the background, simply run the activator and a couple of minutes to check the state of activation of Windows and / or Office.

Universal (active: Vista / 7/8 Pro / Enterprise / N and Office 2010/2013 Retail / VL)
Does not require user intervention (enough to run the activator).
Simultaneous activation of Windows and Office immediately.

With KMSnano can:
Activate Windows 8 Enterprise
Activate Windows 8 Professional
Activate Microsoft Office 2013
Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2013
Activate Microsoft Office Project 2013
Activate Microsoft Office 2010
Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2010
Activate Microsoft Office Project 2010
Activate Windows 7 Professional
Activate Windows Vista Enterprise
Activate Windows Vista Professional

- Requirements:
NET 4.0 or Windows 8 ..
- Activator Windows
Vista/7/8 Pro / Enterprise / N / VL and Office 2010/2013 Retail / VL.
- (Maybe Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012)

- Disable SmartScreen.
- Disable Microsoft Security Updates.
- Making exceptions to KMSpico.exe Antivirus.

If you had installed the v2, v3 uninstall and delete the folder% programfiles% \ KMSpico manually.

1. Extract with WinRAR
2. Run Application
3. Read text


-Even Smaller
-Fixed false positives
-Other changes

=still has=
-no music
-no tokens backup
-trigger kms
-options gui for trigger kms
-minor changes


Download KMSpico v4.1.rar (2.848 KB)
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